Monday, March 6, 2023

Paul McCartney - yvonne, 2000

Sambassadeur - albatross, 2010

Genesis - a trick of the tail, 1976

Club 8 - the chance i deserve, 2002

The Mary Onettes - hit the waves, 2013

Stars - the last song ever written, 2010

Simon And Garfunkel - bye bye love live, 1968

Prefab Sprout - appetite acoustic, 2006

Club 8 - love in december, 2001

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Radio Dept - all about our love, 2010

REM - femme fatale, 1987

Saint Etienne - andrew mccarthy, 1999

Belle And Sebastian - piazza new york catcher, 2003

The Mamas And The Papas - monday monday, 1968

Soft Cell - soul inside, 1984

This Mortail Coil - the jeweller, 1986

REM - why not smile oxford american version, 1998