Friday, September 23, 2022

Outros olhares: Bélgica, Bruxelas numa manhã de Setembro de 2017

Milan Kundera, "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting" (the angel and the devil)

Outros olhares: França, Nice, Abril de 2017

Milan Kundera, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" (Communist kitsch)

Sintra, Cstelo dos Mouros visto da Vila num fim de dia de agosto de 2020




"Parents who were available but not demanding, reassuring but not intrusive, responsive but not reactive, present even if not perfect, Winnicott observed, provided a “holding environment” that made children comfortable and curious. Holding made space for them to learn how to make sense of, and manage, their inner and social worlds—and to develop a robust sense of self. That is, a self with a healthy regard for its abilities and limitations, a self that can learn, play, work, face hardships, and sustain hope through it all.


Children who are held well, Winnicott discovered, became more sociable and independent as grown-ups. They neither became paralyzed when faced with challenges, nor sought rescue from parental figures. They did seek help when needed and made good use of it. Winnicott called such selves true, meaning that they were free to make their way in the world, and he saw such strength and freedom as the result, one might say, of a competent kind of love. He also observed that they could offer it in turn. They had learned to hold themselves and others too."

Algures na Serra de Sintra num dia de Dezembro de 2019