Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Postmarks - seven eleven, 2008

Sambassadeur - subtle changes, 2007

Soft Cell - happy happy happy, 2022

The National - eucalyptus, 2023

Tindersticks - marbles, 1993

Moby - we are all made of stars, 2002

Bruce Springsteen - downbound train, 1984

The Carpenters - they long to be close to you, 1973

Dido - life for rent, 2003

U2 - one, 1991

Club 8 - we're all going to die, 2010

Monday, May 1, 2023

Damien Jurado - onalaska, 2016

Keane - bedshaped, 2004

The Smiths - half a person, 1987

Saint Etienne - answer song white horses, 2012

Pet Shop Boys - discoteca, 1996

Micheál And Eilish - the lonesome boatman, 1990

Pink Floyd - cymbaline, 1969

Saint Etienne - mario's cafe, 1993

Sunday, April 30, 2023

The House Of Love - audience with the mind, 1993

Genesis - window, 1969

Memoryhouse - caregiver, 2010

Postiljonen - go, 2015

Enya - only time, 2000

Outros olhares: Paris, França

Indochine - un homme dans la bouche, 2005

Del Amitri - keepers, 1985

Saint Etienne - dj, 2012